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“Si strawberry yang sarat makna dan warna, generasi Z”

Sumber gambar :

Beberapa waktu lalu ada seorang teman yang mengunggah di laman Facebooknya dengan komentar,”Apakah salah kami generasi yang lebih tua saat mengalihkan tiang obor kami kepada kalian? Kenapa kalian berbeda sendiri? Ada apa dengan gen Z?” lalu unggahannya berubah menjadi sejumlah keluhan dengan berbagai argumen dan opini mengapa generasi ini berbeda dibandingkan dengan generasi-generasi yang sebelumnya

Beberapa teman lain yang membaca postingan tersebut lalu ikut menimpali dan menyetujui perbedaan yang cukup timpang dari generasi-generasi terdahulu dan gen Z. Dari kecerdasan, kecermatan, pola pikir, ketangguhan hingga sopan santun.

Kira-kira apa yang menyebabkan banyak perbedaan jauh tersebut? .

Gen-Z sendiri mengutip dari laman adalah mereka yang lahir antara tahun 1996-2015. Berbeda dengan generasi sebelumnya yaitu generasi X, Y , baby boomers – tentunya Gen Z tidak mengenal dunia tanpa internet dan smartphone. Berbeda dengan generasi-generasi sebelumnya yang tidak terlalu tech savvy atau interner savvy.

Gen Z ini karena sangat tech savvy dan internet savvy, tentunya akan sangat mudah dalam mengakses informasi, beradaptasi dalam kaitannya penggunaan teknologi dan media sosial. Dengan semakin berkembangnya internet, maka kesempatan kerja dan motivasi karir juga akan berbeda. Kalau anak-anak generasi dulu mungkin akan lebih umum bercita-cita menjadi dokter, presiden , guru dan lainnya. Maka tidak heran bila sebagian besar gen-Z memiliki cita-cita lebih terkait pada internet misalnya selebgram, youtuber, content creator, tik-toker dan lainnya karena mereka sangat dekat dengan internet sehari-harinya.

Beberapa ciri dari gen z seperti yang dikutip dari antara lain : mereka sulit fokus, lebih suka multi task, lebih suka belanja online , lebih berkompetitif dan lebih mandiri.

Namun dibalik segala keunggulannya, ternyata gen Z adalah generasi yang sangat kreatif namun mudah rapuh. Prof.Rhenald Kasali dikutip dari  gen Z sangat mudah beradaptasi dengan teknologi namun karena semuanya yang “Serba instant” menyebabkan gen Z menjadi sangat mudah rapuh, rentan, mudah sakit hati dan mudah menyerah.

Sehingga, untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, selain mengakrabkan diri dengan para gen Z dengan teknologi juga harus berupaya agar mereka bisa lebih tangguh dan optimis. Dalam dunia pendidikan maka selain para guru harus lebih kreatif, juga harus lebih banyak menggunakan teknologi yang lebih sesuai dengan nature mereka yang terkait kerat dengan teknologi dan internet. ( ) Tentunya, tingkah laku dan sopan santun harus juga tetap diingatkan agar mereka tidak hanya cantik seperti tampilan strawberry, namun juga kuat dan tangguh seperti rumput liar.

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“Membangun literasi di era Masyarakat 5.0”

Kegiatan webinar

Kami dari Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IKIP Siliwangi akan menyelenggarakan online webinar dengan tema “Membangun Literasi di Era Masyarakat 5.0” pada hari Rabu tanggal 12 Januari 2022 pukul 09.30 – selesai.
Tema yang akan dibahas antara lain seputar literasi dan kebahasaan dengan narasumber: Dra.Evie Kareviati,M.Pd, Sri Supiah Cahyati,M.Pd., Cynantia Rachmijati,M.M.Pd, dipandu Rasi Yugafiati, M.Pd., plus penampilan apik dari Hendra Husnusalam, M.Hum.
Link pendaftaran silakan klik:
Terbuka untuk umum, gratis dan bersertifikat.
Ditunggu kehadirannya.
Ayo kita tingkatkan semangat literasi kita.

Terima kasih.

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International Seminar of English Education Program IKIP SILIWANGI

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We take great pleasure to invite you to join in the 1st INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE EDUCATION CONFERENCE organized by the Indonesian Language and Literature Education and English Education Study Program, IKIP Siliwangi. The theme for this conference will be “Digital Literacy Transformation in the Era 5.0 in Indonesian Language Education and English Education”. The conference will be held on 8th December, 2021 virtually.

For detailed information, please visit our official website at

Please feel free to ask if you have any queries. 3 best selected papers will be published in ELTIN Journal, which is indexed by Sinta 4. We are looking forward to your participation.

Kind Regards,

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Collage 2019-02-18 14_54_46

Untuk lebih lengkap bisa di cek di website SIKAP ya, ini hanya sebagai pelengkap kalau ada daftar nilai yang masih belum ada. Tapi secara umum yang di SIKAP sudah saya input.

general english – 2018 b2 – mat






tired computer

memang karena pandemik ini jadi kita terpaksa kuliah via online learning.

Saya yakin anda semua lelah, saya juga lelah. Tapi mudah mudahan meskipun kita “kulon” alias “kuliah online” masih ada ilmu yang bisa anda serap. Mudah mudahan lelah kita tercatat menjadi amal baik. amin.

Terima kasih atas semua perjuangan anda, semoga semester depan (yang kemungkinan besar masih kulon juga) tetap menjadi pemacu semangat.

Until then, may you are blessed. amen.


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Nilai semester ganjil 2019 2020

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So here is to another semester and another grade. I hope you find your happiness and that your effort was worth it.



Human resource management 2016 B2







happy 500

Take care.



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By : Cynantia Rachmijati

English Education Program – Language faculty – IKIP  SILIWANGI

suju movie poster


The objectives of this research entitled “An analysis study of social aspects from super junior the movie”  was to find out the social aspects from the movie “attack on the pin up boy” starred by Super Junior members. The research method was descriptive qualitative method. The social aspects that are found in the movie are : culture, environment, education, clothes, internet and social psychology and stratification. From the research writer conclude that besides working to be a more modern country South Korea is a country where they still keep their own traditional values and preserving it in both culture and environmental system. The Super Junior movie which entitled “Attack on the pin-up boys” is a movie with a good quality – besides poking fun the idolatry culture which is common among teenagers it is also has a good symbolism and moral values behind it.

Keywords : Super Junior, movie, hallyu, social aspects


South Korean is one of the fastest and developing countries in the past years. South Korean has stood upright; from its culture, military, technology, economy and nation in a whole.  They also introduced their country and culture through a very smart movement called “Korean Wave” or “Hallyu” in 2001. Hallyu, according to Wikipedia , is a collective term used to refer to the phenomenal growth of Korean popular culture encompassing everything from music, movies, drama to online games and the Korean cuisine. And one mission of Hallyu is also to make Korean’s culture become known worldwide. And Korean, known for their beauties, also using their celebrities as the culture ambassador.  Their celebrities, especially musician, they are travelling and making concerts to make their music and culture known and appreciate in every place of the world.

And to acknowledge that Korea is an Asian country but has growing and developing in speed, Indonesia as also an Asian country could look up to them and probably imitate some of their strategy to make Indonesia also developing in a better way. One of the Korean musicians that have already well known, both in Indonesia and Korea, is Super Junior. This boyband is one of the many that introduced Hallyu and Korean culture in many countries worldwide. They also have a movie called “Attack on the pin-up boys” which starred by their 12 members.  The movie basically revolved around teen’s life and how they live their live. The writer intended to find out what are social and cultural aspects from the Super Junior movie and to figure out if that may applicable to Indonesian society and environment, and especially for teens.



The Korean wave refers to the recent surge of popularity of South Korean popular culture in other countries, especially its Asian neighbors. It is also referred to as “Hallyu”, from the Korean pronunciation of the term. The term was coined in China in 2001 by Beijing journalists startled by the growing popularity of South Koreans and South Korean goods in China. The Korean wave began with the export of Korean TV dramas such as “Jewel in the Palace” and “Winter Sonata” across East and Southeast Asia; the growing success of Korean drama was shortly matched in the fields of movies and popular music. It should be mentioned that the content of the Korean Wave dramas is unashamedly Korean. They star Korean nationals. They are set in Korean locations and concern Korean characters. They are written and produced by Korean production houses (Seiko Yasumoto,2006)

2. Sociology

Sociology is the study of human social life. Because human social life is so expansive, sociology has many sub-sections of study, ranging from the analysis of conversations to the development of theories to try to understand how the entire world works.(Cragun,Wikibooks)

3.Social aspects

Sociology is the study of society. It is a social science—a term with which it is sometimes synonymous—which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop and refine a body of knowledge about human social activity, often with the goal of applying such knowledge to the pursuit of social welfare. Subject matter ranges from the micro level of agency and interaction to the macro level of systems and social structures. Sociology is both topically and methodologically a very broad discipline. Its traditional focuses have included social stratification, social class, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, and deviance.


The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group. Integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that is both a result of and integral to the human capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. Culture thus consists of language, ideas, beliefs, customs, taboos, codes, institutions, tools, techniques, works of art, rituals, ceremonies, and symbols.


The young teens of age 12-19 years old are in the growing phase that called teenagers. These also called adolescent. The adolescent phase is a very defining moment since most of them are having changed both in physically and mentally. All these changed often make the confusion in them and Westerners often refer them to “sturm und drang” periods. This is why they easily having period of bursting emotions and often do not obey the rules and social norms that occur in the society (Zulkifli, 2005). Westerners called it “puberty” while American called it “adolescent”. Both are the transition of childhood to adult. While in Indonesian and others usually refer them to as “teenagers”. If one sees the development through biological point of view, then teenagers are those from age 12 years to 21 years old. If one seeing theoretically, then those transition phase may stages into 2 phases as in “teenagers” and “adolescent”.

6.Sigmund Freud point of view

Freud advanced a theory of personality development that centered on the effects of the sexual pleasure drive on the individual psyche. ( : A child at a given stage of development has certain needs and demands, such as the need of the infant to nurse. Frustration occurs when these needs are not met; Overindulgence stems from such an ample meeting of these needs that the child is reluctant to progress beyond the stage. Both frustration and overindulgence lock some amount of the child’s libido permanently into the stage in which they occur; both result in a fixation. If a child progresses normally through the stages, resolving each conflict and moving on, then little libido remains invested in each stage of development. But if he fixates at a particular stage, the method of obtaining satisfaction which characterized the stage will dominate and affect his adult personality.

7.How to analyze a movie

Here are some elements to consider when analyzing a film :

  1. Find the theme of the movie.
  2. Look at the storyline.
  3. Listen to the dialogue to analyze if it’s believable or contrived.
  4. Look at the set and scenery used for the movie. The atmosphere of the film is often enhanced with the use of lighting, special effects, costumes and backgrounds. These elements of the film should work together to bring the audience into the story but shouldn’t overwhelm our senses and detract our attention.
  5. Consider the roles of the main and supporting characters. It’s not always the heroes that draw us into a story but the damsel in distress or villain who plays a role that makes the film memorable. Stereotypical characters are often the easiest to spot; however, their role is usually of little importance to the theme.
  6. Watch for symbolism, used to represent some topic or idea from the theme. This could be a repeated object that the camera focuses on throughout many scenes, or a word or phrase that is repeated.
  7. Look at the background and set pieces. The job of a cinematographer (or director of photography) is to create the proper atmosphere for the film. When you watch a film for analysis, try to ignore the actors and dialogue for a few minutes. Pay attention to the shapes and colors of the scenery, sets and costumes. They should all be working together to create a specific mood or ambience. The use of light and darkness can be very important, as can other atmospheric effects such as shadow and fog.
  8. The performance of individual actors should be considered. It can be easy to look at a particular lead character’s performance and fail to notice the supporting actors’ efforts. When analyzing a film, pay attention to what other characters are doing when they are not part of the main action. A good actor understands that his or her role is to drive the plot forward or establish a character in the audience’s mind. The actor portraying a villain, for example, must be a formidable opponent for the actor portraying the hero. Supporting characters may not have much dialogue, but their presence can still be felt by the audience.
  9. Director’s distinctive style and fingerprint – Each filmmaker has his own style and fashion of making a movie. These can only be found out after watching a few films by the director. For example : Alfred Hitchcock used bizarre camera angles and zooms for the time ever which gave his thriller movie so much more depth.
  10. Costumes and props – What are they wearing? How does it fit the mood?
  11. The last step is evaluating the overall quality of the film.  While some scenes might have been good, you have to evaluate the entire film as a whole.




Research in simple terms, refers to a search for knowledge. Thus, research is an original addition to the available knowledge, which contributes to its further advancement. It is an attempt to pursue truth through the methods of study, observation, comparison and experiment. In other words, research is simply gathering the information you need to answer a question and thereby help you solve a problem. A descriptive research is concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual or a group, while analyzing means as a method of dividing components into parts. The main object of descriptive research is describing the state of affairs as it prevails at the time of study. The most distinguishing feature of this method is that the researcher has no control over the variables. Meanwhile in the analytical research, the researcher has to use the already available facts of information and analyze them to make a critical evaluation of the subject.  Descriptive analysis refers to investigation which utilizes already existing data and focuses on the description of a specific constituent in order to get the clear explanation about the research object.

2.The subject of the research

Movie “Attack on the pin up boy” produced by SM Entertainment in 2007 with running time 1 hour 21 minutes.

3.The data collection technique

In order to doing research, one must have reliable finding, data and other people research to help them solve their problems and answered their questioned. Data collecting technique related to how the relevant data is collected and more emphasized or ways to get data which is needed.

Steps that writer will be doing in order to gather the data:

1.Watching the movie

First thing, writer will watch the movie as the subject of research.


The next step is observation, the writer will to try to observe and point out what are the social and cultural aspects from the movie.

3.Take a note

The same step as observation, but the writer will put it into note and jolt down in details the research findings.

4.Document analysis

Before analyzing the data, the writer did some activities which were aiming for the data identification, classification and discussion.


The writer will then take a conclusion after comparing the research and document findings.

4.Data analysis

The data analysis was presented through the following procedures:

1.Watching and observing

The writer will watch the movie and put it into note all the social aspects that the writer is applicable for this research.

2.Analyzing the movie

The steps that are going to be taken to analyze the movie are:

(taken from


Discussing is the final process. In this section, the writer will have a clear description about the result.




After the unusual attack (tossing of a bag of feces) on a school flower boy (meaning heartthrob or pretty boy), Sungmin, on February 14, the same attacks began to happen at different high schools on every month of the same day. Rumors say that the next victims will be at Neulparan High School. The studious student Kibum decides to investigate the matter, blogging all of the terror events on the 14th of each month, causing the event to become a hot topic within the student body. After several attacks, Kibum predicts that the next victim will be either Siwon, president of the student body; Heechul, president of the dance club; or Kangin, the captain of the Judo Team.


2.The storyline

The movie started with how each school has their own rumors – whether it’s about a ghost, a fighting masters and many other. But however, on each school, there’s always the one person that has become a legend. And they are called the pin-up boy, a heartthrob. Or also known as “ulzzang” (pretty face) in Korean.

It seems that there’s attacker on the run that attack these pretty boys by throwing them a bag of feces into their face. It happened the first time during Valentine’s day and the first victim is Lee Sungmin from Garam High School. The second victim is a cool athlete named Han Geng from Geosang High School , where the attacked happened at 14 March. The third victim is a band singer named Yesung and the attacked happened at 14 April.  All these accidents are widely talked and spread in blogs and known as “Attack on the pin-up boys” since all of the victims are pretty boys. One of the diligent bloggers who has a well-known blog is Kim Kibum, who is also a straight-A student. He is writing his blog because he feels bored and has nothing to do after he quits from the school student body. He also predicts that the attack will happen again during this 14 May and the victim will either of Heechul, Kang in or Shiwon from Neul Paran High School.

Meanwhile, the teachers in their school also busy betting who will be the next victim since the three most probable victims has their own reputation at their school. Shiwon is the student body president with cold personality and genius intellectual mind. Along with his side is his geek vice president Ryeo Wook who always looks up him and take care of him. And Ryeo Wook constantly worries about being attack and his president’s well being. Heechul is the lead dancer in the Ultra Junior dance club. He is busy practicing dances along with his dance mate, Donghae and Shindong. He has easy going personality and craves for fame. While others just simply think of him as “cute”.The last is Kang in, who is a well known judo athletes but only has won once. He is in the judo society club along with his fellow member Eunhyuk and one ambiguous panda that has been his “live-sack” practice. He is appeared to be a some-what tough guy but somehow worries about his future.  While the rumors are getting wild like a bushfire, each the most probable candidates has been make themselves busy preparing for the attack. As the other victims such as Sungmin, Yesung and Han Geng has been make themselves known and successful in entertainment industry and become a professional model, singer and athlete. They wish to have the same kind of success and fame. Heechul keeps posting his photos on his blog in order to look cute and famous, Kang-in also try the same way by showing how buff he is and end up pretending to have a broken arm. While Shiwon and Ryeo Wook plan a mischief tale that Shiwon is being attacked while he’s actually not.

Donghae from the Ultra Junior dance club who first figure out who the actual attacker is. He bump into Ki Bum in the toilet and realized that he is actually acting strange.  He put the two and two together and makes a plan with Ki Bum to be the one who gets attacked and keep Ki Bum’s identity in a secret. Everyone is in dazed after they figure out who is the latest victim and Donghae gets his fame. Then things back to normal as the attacker never heard of again.


3.The dialogue

Korean is very strict with their languages and they have strict rules about formal and informal language. Since this is a teenager movie, the languages also mostly in informal languages and thus the English subtitle is in informal languages.

Most of the dialogues are in informal languages and to show to the viewer how easy going and tight the relationships of the characters in the movie are.

The dialogues are easy to digest and are the languages that mostly teenagers used. Some of the words are rude but that is just how it is in the teen’s world. Every dialogue fits with the scene and even narration fits nicely. All of the dialogues make sense and none is too much or out of ordinary.


4.The set and scenery used

Since this is the movie about teenager’s life, the set is mostly located at school. The setting is in the class room, dance room, student body room, judo practice room and nursery rooms. Some other places located in the park, a Korean traditional café and around the neighborhood.  The lighting is also bright and the filming is very clear. Since this is a comedy movie, every lighting and shooting is bright, clear and chipper. The music also helps the mood to bring somewhat tense but bring the “detective mode” to create an intense part of the movie. The setting and the background help the storyline moves clearly and it is not distracting or feels out of place.


5.The roles


The roles are:

  1. Kibum, the narrator and “boy detective” and the attacker
  2. Siwon, the student body president
  3. Heechul, the Ultra Junior president
  4. Kang-in, the Judo Society captain
  5. Sungmin, Flower Boy Victim #1, the popular pretty boy
  6. Hankyung, Flower Boy Victim #2, the basketball player
  7. Yesung, Flower Boy Victim #3, the rock star
  8. Donghae, the Ultra Junior member and Kibum’s best friend and the suspect
  9. Eunhyuk, the Judo Society member
  10. Shindong, the Ultra Junior member (in the end, became a part of Judo Society)
  11. Ryeowook, the student body vice president / School Panda mascot (uncredited)
  12. Leeteuk, School Panda mascot (Ending credits)
  13. Kyuhyun, the 13th member of Super Junior, wasn’t casted due to the car accident on April 19, 2007.


One thing that has been showing more than once and has been the center of attraction from the movie is the bag of feces. In the scene where Ki Bum investigates Shiwon and Ryeo Wook, it also mentions clearly that the plastic bag is yellow color. The storyline mentions clearly that the bag of feces is throwing directly into the face. The writer interpret that it is a symbol that means to not take anything by the face value. Since Korean is famous for pretty faces and idol culture.

In a letter of December 22, 1897, Sigmund Freud wrote to Wilhelm Fleiss: “[B]irth, miscarriage, and menstruation are all connected with the lavatory via the word Abort (Abortus)” (p. 240). In German this word does effectively carry these different meanings.(Freud Sigmund, 1950). Sigmund Freud wrote that feces are human concept to describe important matter things for human that may also categorized in the same place such as money, gift, human narcissm and even erotism.

7.The social aspects

Sociology is the study of society. It is a social science—a term with which it is sometimes synonymous—which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysisto develop and refine a body of knowledge about human social activity. In this part, the writer will try to analyze what are the social aspects found in Super Junior’s movie “Attack on the pin-up boys”.


The writer notice that the culture in the movie are:

  1. Dance trend
  2. Pretty boy or “ullzang”
  3. Internet and blogs


Dancing, hip-hop and b-boy are the trends that have been around in Korean culture and now into Korean wave. Hip-hop and dancing were first introduced to Korea in the early 1980 although dancing has always been part of their traditional culture. Ulzzang (pronounced uhl-jang) translates to “best face” or “good looking” in Korean. This slang is often used by netizens, contests including girls competing for the title of “ulzzang”. However, even if this is true, Ulzzang has developed into a subculture/style, rather than a competition/contest event.  A blog (a blend of the term web log) is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. Most blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via widgets on the blogs and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.( the movie, the teens mostly used blogs as to promote themselves with their peers. Since this is a 2007 year movie – the blog is still very popular. Nowadays, many teens using Twitter instead of blog.



The writer notice the environment in this movie is setting and locating in Korea and mostly portraying Korean’s life. South Korea is a developing city, but they have the urban location but also the traditional location. And it is nice to develop the city into business area but also preserving the traditional area as well.  Korea’s characteristic traditional straw- or tile-roofed houses are quickly being replaced by boxy houses and high-rise apartment buildings that all look alike.



The writer notices that Korea has very long school hours. And they also have what they called the “school night” where the student studies independently at night even though the actual school hours have finished. The official school hours start at 8 a.m and finish at 6 p.m, but school night may start at 7 p.m and end until 11 p.m. Usually roll until 01.30 am if during exams.  In Korean culture, education is the key to success in life. The school one graduates from can determine whether one will be a success or failure. To many Korean parents, the education of their children outweighs all other considerations, and they will make tremendous sacrifices to let their children get the best education possible. The Korean education system consists of six years of primary school, three years of middle school, then three years of high school. Those who pass the national exam go on to 4-year colleges or universities. Others go to 2-year junior colleges, while the rest enter the work force. ( In the movie, Neul Paran High School is a mix school with a very long school hours. Start at 8 a.m and end up at 6 p.m. On one scene, the teacher asks the students to study more until 11 p.m.



Although most people prefer Western clothes like suits and jeans, the national costume, hanbok, is worn by many during national holidays. Traditionally, people wore white clothes, reserving colors for the upper class or during festive occasions. Rubber shoes and sandals have been replaced by designer shoes and sneakers; however, even these are removed when entering a house or other area where shoes are not permitted. ( Korean teenagers wear Western style clothes. In fact, buying clothes is one of the principal evening pastimes for teenagers, when they’re not studying. As a result, in almost any town, central business districts are dedicated to clothing shops. Shopping malls and department stores are also popular.  One thing noticeable among Korean teens is that they strictly follow a color scheme. A palette of clothing colors that teens choose from may be limited to navy blue, white, denim blue, gray, ochre, lavender, brown, mild pink, laurel green, olive, rust, silver blue, mustard yellow, and black. Very few teens, or people of any age for that matter, will choose colors that are not among these. (Adams Edward, 1983) In the movie, students wear school uniforms. The school uniforms colors are dark blue. For male it is consists of shirt, pants, tie, sweater and suit. For female it is consist of shirt, skirt, tie, sweater and suit. The school logo is on the left side of the suit and name tag is on the right side.



Korea is the country which has the fastest internet connection and quite high amount of internet users. The news spread faster with the internet users around. And internet café is easily finding in any location in Korea, even at remote places. It is also the highest broadband user, second in the world after Iceland.


f.Social psychology and stratification

Peer pressure refers to the influence exerted by a peer group in encouraging a person to change his or her attitudes, values, or behavior in order to conform to group norms. Social groups affected include membership groups, when the individual is “formally” a member (for example, political party, trade union), or a social clique. (

In young people, youth peer pressure is one of the most frequently referred to forms of peer pressure. It is particularly common because most youth spend large amounts of time in fixed groups (schools and subgroups within them) regardless of their opinion of those groups. In addition to this, they may lack the maturity to handle pressure from ‘friends’. Also, young people are more willing to behave negatively towards those who are not members of their own peer groups. However, youth peer pressure can also have positive effects. For example, if one is involved with a group of people that are ambitious and working to succeed, one might feel pressured to follow suit to avoid feeling excluded from the group. Sometimes the child is pressuring themselves. They feel like they need to be in this group to be “cool” or “in.” Therefore, the youth would be pressured into improving themselves, bettering them in the long run. This is most commonly seen in youths that are active in sports or other extracurricular activities where conformity with one’s peer group is strongest.


In this movie, in order to be fame and well known – it doesn’t necessary says that one should be smart and intellectual. It is mention that if you are cool and handsome, then you will get famous and deserve the respect of your fellow school mates.


In spite of the intense studying, Korean teenagers do find time to have fun. Often they meet in school at club meetings. Usually these gatherings occur on campus on Friday afternoons, and many schools will sponsor as many as 20 clubs, ranging from drama, radio broadcasting, filming, and conversation in foreign languages, newspapers, astronomy, and cartoon animation. (Edward, 1983). Off campus, many teenagers list sleeping as their favorite hobby, although listening to music, swimming, soccer, baseball, tennis, and Korean billiards are popular, as well. As for the best places to meet, many teenagers will meet at fast-food restaurants, libraries, karaoke parlors (known as noreibang), and computer game rooms (known as PC bang).


In the movie, social status and peer pressures are obvious. Heechul from Ultra Junior dance club wish to become more famous and to be a celebrity. But mostly his friends are ridiculed him with such a ridiculous dream. While Kang in from the judo club, wish to gained more respect and therefore have more members for his judo club. His friend Eunhyuk keeps pushing him to increase his popularity by updating his blog more often. While Shiwon and Ryeo Wook from the student body, wish to have the highest social status and even came up with a hoax that they were the one who gets the bag of feces while in reality, they are not. The movie portrays the peer pressure precisely.




After the writer has finished analyzing, she will put forward some conclusions as follow:

  1. Korea is a developing country and one country that has make itself a good name because they are a hardworking culture and it is shown from their strict social aspects and education systems.
  2. Besides working to be a more modern country, they still keep their own traditional values and preserving it in both culture and environmental system.
  3. Sociology is the study of society and the study of human life. It is a body of knowledge about human social activity. And the social aspects that are found in the movie “Attack of the pin-up boys” are : culture, environment, education, clothes, internet and social psychology and stratification.
  4. The Super Junior movie which entitled “Attack on the pin-up boys” is a movie with a good quality – besides poking fun the idolatry culture which is common among teenagers it is also has a good symbolism and moral values behind it.
  5. The symbolism behind the movie “Attack on the pin-up boys” is feces. The writer interpret is as to not take anything by face value. While Sigmund Freud the psychoanalysis expert consider feces as the symbol of wealth and money. This is the same as the symbol of human narcissism.
  6. The social aspects that are found in this movie that may applicable to Indonesian teens are from environmental, education and culture aspects.



Adams, Edward B. (1983). Korea Guide: A Glimpse of Korea’s Cultural Legacy. Seoul: Seoul International Tourist Publishing Company.

Cragun,Ryan (2006).Introduction to Sociology.Wikibooks

_____(1995).Oxford Advanced Learner’s Encyclopedia Dictionary. New York : Oxford University Press

_______(2017).”How to analyze movies”. Accesed at :

“Life in Korea”. Accesed at :

Super Junior the movie “Attack on the pin-up boys”  produced by SM Entertainment year of 2007

Wikipedia (

Yasumoto, Seiko .(2006). ”The Impact of the Korean Wave on Japan : A Case Study of The Influence of Trans-Border Electronic Communication And The Trans-National Programming Industry”,  Paper presented on 16th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia in Wollongong 26 – 29 June 2006

Zulkifli.(2005). Psikologi Perkembangan”. Bandung ; PT Remaja Rosdakarya


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(notice/update) NILAI SEMESTER GENAP 2018/2019

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Hello there earthlings, what a busy semester.

I hope you had your share of fun and lessons and all.

I had my usual yearly typhus and those were the time I couldn’t made it to class. In all honesty, you should take more care of your health especially when you are still young and free and have all those free time to develop yourself.

I really hope you had fun. Some of you worked really hard and some of you just stay afloat and some of you…welll I couldn’t comment. At this time by now I am sure you already know what you want with your life and all those advices and suggestions, I am sure you can proposed it by yourself for yourself and to yourself.

C’est la vie.


Also, if there is still grades that I haven’t upload means I still haven’t get the papers or I simply still sick too function to finish grading. if your grade still isn’t here, please send me all of your attach assignments so I can re-asses again. If you are wondering why someone get an A,B,C or D etc please check my previous posts where I have uploaded on the reason why. Also I work on class averages. If your grade is a certain grade means your grade isn’t comply to the class average overall grades. 

tunduh tae

FAQ SEPUTAR NILAI (I posted this back on my post on 2017 / please check my previous post if you still wondering) :

1.Komponen nilai sudah diumumkan pada awal pertemuan kuliah

2.Nilai saya kok A – berarti semua komponen nilai anda lengkap dan rata2 komponen nilai anda baik dan diatas nilai rata2 kelas

2.Nilai saya kok B – berarti semua komponen nilai anda lengkap namun rata2 komponen nilai anda sedikit dibawah nilai rata2 kelas.

3.Nilai saya kok C – berarti komponen nilai anda tidak lengkap dan anda tidak memenuhi komponen nilai yang ditentukan sesuai dengan deadline dan presensi anda dibawah ketentuan.

4.Nilai saya kok D – berarti komponen nilai dan presensi anda amat sangat kurang

5.Apa maksudnya “absensi kurang”? – berarti presensi anda sangat dibawah rata-rata atau sama sekali tidak pernah hadir di kelas.

6.Kok nama saya tidak ada? – saya memasukkan nilai berdasarkan absensi DMHD yang diberikan pihak akademik. Kalau nama anda tidak ada berarti memang nama anda tidak pernah ada dalam absensi sehari-hari atau lembar UAS anda belum saya terima dari pihak akademik.


Withour further ado, these are your grades :

nilai bahasa inggris PG PAUD 2017 B2

nilai – bahasa inggris PB INA- 2017 A3

nilai english for travel – 2016 A3 – reg

nilai found of ESP 2017 A3 – reg

nilai ICC – 2016 A3 – reg

nilai ICC 2016 A2 – reg

nilai ICC 2018 A1 (reg)

nilai- theories of interpreting – 2016 B4

(updatee) nilai-english-for-hotel-2016B3 non reg

happy 500

Please take care, blessed be.


jam sadly.gif

P.S : Just found out that the next term gonna be started on 19 august ! Please enjoy your holiday because I don’t even have it. Take care.



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Just a thought

exo meme

It was like…..a few days before the end of semester when suddenly a thought crossed my mind.

Once in class I saw someone watched BANGTAN BOMB (if you dont know what is that, that is some sort of BTS Vlog on their youtube channel). And I didnt say anything at that time. Sometimes, I got way too weary on things and then I just let it slide.

And somehow it just hit me. That I have taught for some time now.

Maybe if you havent noticed, I am actually a Kpopper. though not the craze concert goer type etc, I just like the music and that was it. I dont really mind if you judge me and all. We each of us, have different ways to cope and I found that music is one way to coping.

And as Kpopper, you would know that there is certain generation for their music and their groups. First one, second one, third and so on. I was quite aware and familiar with group music from second generation. But nowadays, not really.

I was once in a class where I taught was a BIG BANG fans. All presentation was decorated with their pictures. And I was once in a class of an EXO fans, all merchandise was on that class. from the bag, to the pensil case, to the pouch and even to their presentation. And then of course the latest one was like I mentioned in the first paragraph…BTS fans.

As I was driving home and grading paper, the thougts consumed was…will I still be teaching when the next generation of Kpop group come along? Will I still be here when the students finally find a new group to adore? Will I still be alive and healthy when somehow Kpop is not a hobby anymore and people find another way to cope?

I dont know. We dont know. So in the meantime when things are still good and you still have your health, please remember to enjoy life, please remember to cherish your family.

C’est la vie.



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Dear Students, your grade is here. I am sorry if it took long enough.

Honestly I have been swamped with many other things.

And also, thank you for your hard work and for your cheerfulness that makes the semester is bearable.

I know it is been tough. But I am hoping for a more beautiful day when you are all finally graduate. Just hang in there. ^^=

I have submitted the grades to the faculty but I haven’t received the SUSULAN one. So this page will get update after I get the papers.

In the meantime, feel free to check your grades.


Also, please do not asking me why someone gotten A,B,C etc. Just check the previous posts so you will know why.


So here it goes : 

nilai esp course deisgn 2015 B4

Nilai financial management 2015 B4



nilai writing academic 2016 B3







Have a nice day. Don’t forget to eat and look at the sky.
